Games - Deli Dasher

Deli DasherDeli Dasher

Serve up odd and unrealistic combinations of meat-like-substance and vegetable sandwhiches for customers, exactly to their specifications. Don't make them angry, you wouldn't like them when they are angry! Make sure you melt the cheese before putting it on the sandwhich. by Games in a Flash

Deli Dasher Champion: aewtx Score: 51735 in 170:44

Highest score of all time: aewtx Score: 51735 in 170:44

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Commenting & Reviews

3. maniG14 said:
waz up ppl ^_^ April 30th, 2012 7:53 AM

2. kadenguy said:
this is veary easy!! April 22nd, 2012 3:14 PM

1. Czilla said:
Get owned :3 October 18th, 2011 9:27 AM

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