Games - Magnet Towers V2

Magnet Towers V2Magnet Towers V2

It's the Magnet Towers you know and love, but with new graphics... and well that's about it?. Just kidding, there is some point changes as well. Hover on a colored gem to begin collecting others of the same color. When you are done rounding them up, click the mouse to score points. The faster you move, the bigger your magnetic radius will get, meaning you can attract same color gems easier. by Nowe Reginald

Magnet Towers V2 Champion: aewtx Score: 7462000 in 22:47

Highest score of all time: JeffroBodine Score: 11319500 in 20:36

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Commenting & Reviews

4. MTA1200 said:
Fuck all of you May 21st, 2012 11:19 AM

3. Carlton said:
aye bby gurl April 30th, 2012 4:52 AM

2. bepper said:
heyyyyyy April 19th, 2012 8:04 AM

1. DoctorCosby said:
u guys like puddin April 11th, 2012 5:25 AM

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