Dubstep's Profile

Ranking: Neophyte
Hit Points: 24
Gold: 3324 Gold Piece
Items: 111
Avatars: 0
Medallions: 0
Games Played: 332
Badges: 1
Quests Completed: 1
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: February 28th, 2012 3:59 PM
Last Login: November 21st, 2014 6:44 AM


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Silver GauntletsR4#57 ☡Silver Gauntlets
4 Armor


Master SwordR3#43 ☡Master Sword
3 Attack


Necklace on NavigatorR5#64 ☇Necklace on Navigator
5 Luck




Bunny Hopper Champion
Score: 46772
Bunny Hopper

Currently Selling

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Latest Collected Medallions

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Latest Highscores

Captain Zorro 44563 in 07:57

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 6513700 in 07:03

Bunny Hopper 29590 in 02:47

Rolley Ball 25161 in 09:12

Bunny Hopper 8525 in 01:46

Bunny Hopper 19087 in 03:12

1 Will Survive 3300 in 14:46

Bunny Hopper 46772 in 03:36

Card Toss 70322 in 04:10

Bunny Hopper 45319 in 06:16

Bunny Hopper 28232 in 11:01

Bunny Hopper 28151 in 05:29

Bunny Hopper 20828 in 04:10

Bunny Hopper 46629 in 09:58

Bunny Hopper 33062 in 05:01

Bunny Hopper 31981 in 04:15

Bunny Hopper 14032 in 05:12

Bunny Hopper 28960 in 04:46

Latest Collected Items

OarsR3#46 ☇Oars
Deku Seeds Bullet BagR1#11 ☡Deku Seeds Bullet Bag
Small HeartR1#2 ☌Small Heart
Super ShotR4#16 ☍Super Shot
Letter OR3#6 ☂Letter O
CornR2#5 ☃Corn
CornR2#5 ☃Corn

MugR1#19 ☇Mug
Fertile DirtR1#3 ☋Fertile Dirt
PumpkinR3#8 ☃Pumpkin
World's Finest Eye DropsR4#55 ☡World's Finest Eye Drops
Old NewspaperR4#29 ☤Old Newspaper
AppleR2#3 ☾Apple
Super ShotR4#16 ☍Super Shot

Mandrake RootR3#19 ☋Mandrake Root
Fire ArrowsR5#76 ☡Fire Arrows
Tall Straw HatR2#11 ☋Tall Straw Hat
Blue Skull KeyR3#16 ☠Blue Skull Key
Ecru CitrineR4#21 ☋Ecru Citrine
TrainR3#5 ☄Train
Letter NR3#5 ☂Letter N

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