Dovahkiin's Profile

KirbyKirby #24

Ranking: Journeyman
Hit Points: 120
Gold: 1301 Gold Piece
Items: 610
Avatars: 12
Medallions: 6
Games Played: 1003
Badges: 0
Quests Completed: 199
Foil Items: 0
Join Date: February 3rd, 2012 9:04 AM
Last Login: October 9th, 2014 6:58 AM


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HelmetR5#6 ☊Helmet
5 Armor


Biggoron's SwordR5#82 ☡Biggoron's Sword
5 Attack


Cross NecklaceR4#15 ☌Cross Necklace
4 Luck


Hover BootsR5#69 ☡Hover Boots
5 Speed


This user has no badges!

Currently Selling

This user is not selling any items in the vendor house!

Latest Collected Medallions

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Mega Man
Mega Man
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda
Fantasy Zone
Fantasy Zone

Latest Highscores

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 1641500 in 01:21

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 2034900 in 01:01

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 2266500 in 01:29

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 1978700 in 03:53

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 2400400 in 01:10

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 2590300 in 02:12

Boss Stamp 52 in 01:14

Frogee Shoot 877800 in 16:33

Boxhead 2Play Rooms 2409000 in 01:24

Magic Touch 620 in 01:57

Mouze Maze 72900 in 22:15

Disco Balls 2180 in 09:49

Disco Balls 2079 in 11:57

Rolley Ball 58395 in 10:48

Plumber 2 15687 in 07:28

Rolley Ball 48345 in 07:53

Rolley Ball 20618 in 03:26

Rolley Ball 11304 in 03:21

Latest Collected Items

Bigger QuiverR4#56 ☡Bigger Quiver
Yellow PetalR1#13 ☇Yellow Petal
Big PoeR4#58 ☡Big Poe
Super ShotR4#16 ☍Super Shot
CrowbarR5#35 ☤Crowbar
Jolly RogerR4#58 ☇Jolly Roger
FishR2#19 ☡Fish

Zelda's LetterR2#31 ☡Zelda's Letter
OrangeR2#4 ☾Orange
Kokiri SwordR1#12 ☡Kokiri Sword
Ocarina of TimeR3#45 ☡Ocarina of Time
Bigger QuiverR4#56 ☡Bigger Quiver
KeyR1#4 ☍Key
Copy FlowerR4#16 ★Copy Flower

PistolR1#2 ☣Pistol
Green BalloonR4#8 ☂Green Balloon
Heart ContainerR3#9 ☥Heart Container
ReplusionR4#15 ☍Replusion
Grave DustR3#14 ☋Grave Dust
Blue PotionR3#33 ☡Blue Potion
Heavy ChairR2#23 ☇Heavy Chair

Who's Online

43 Guests, 0 Users

Wise Words

Stop poking me! -Orc in Warcraft |

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