Games - Bukkerittet


An odd and stylish Norwegian falling game that challenges your keyboard skills by pulling off odd falling stunts on your masked deer. Use the arrow keys to perform various tricks and the spacebar to detach/re-attach to the deer. by Agens

Bukkerittet Champion: ALExGN Score: 7616 in 03:48

Highest score of all time: ALExGN Score: 7616 in 03:48

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Commenting & Reviews

3. jasonisflash said:
um i am english July 29th, 2018 10:29 PM

2. donkeyclub said:
Hnot efen closse to beeting dis skore. April 30th, 2013 4:27 PM

1. drath said:
Hmmm, no idea how I got that score... can't even get close to it again :( April 20th, 2013 10:23 PM

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